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The Mauritian economy is based on export of sugar, products from the Export Processing Zone and tourism. Since 1989, a Stock Exchange was established to finance the increased investment needs of the economy. Mauritius is being developed into a viable centre for financial services, exploiting its geographical location interfacing African and South East Asian markets.

Main Economic Indicators

1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995
Population (Island of Mauritius) 1,009,332 1,017,307 1,024,571 1,035,807 1,049,967 1,063,400 1,077,946 1,087,343
Real annual growth rate (GDP at factor cost) % 6.1 4.7 7.2 4.3 6.7 4.9 5.2 5.5
GDP at market prices mn 2,069 2,116 2,559 2,738 3,193 3,200 3,507 4,042
Per capita GNP at market prices mn 1,992 2,060 2,475 2,649 2,955 2,919 3,132 3,570
Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation (Investment) mn 595 562 798 791 887 910 1,089 1,073
Inflation Rate % 9.2 12.6 13.5 7.0 4.6 10.5 7.3
Total Imports (c.i.f. value) mn 1,299 1,326 1,616 1,558 1,623 1,718 1,919 2,062
Total Exports (f.o.b. value) mn 1,031 1,018 1,228 1,233 1,322 1,333 1,375 1,611
Balance of Visible Trade mn -20 -20 -26 -21 -19 -22 -30 -26
Export Processing Zone - Exports mn 608 594 772 775 841 896 921 1,084
Overall Balance of Payments mn 203 131 205 199 196 -40 -17 6
Sugar Production metric tons 634,224 568,301 624,302 611,340 643,168 565,026 500,209 550,000
Tourist Arrivals 239,300 262,790 291,550 300,670 335,400 374,630 400,526 420,000
Tourist Earnings mn 177 183 244 252 299 300 337
Foreign Reserves * mn 413 459 648 778 975 806 777 776
Unemployment rate % 3.6 3.3 2.6 2.1 2.1 1.8 1.6

(*) Includes Reserve Position of Mauritius in IMF as from 1991
mn - million US$
Source: Central Statistical Office

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