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Customer Support

Eland is committed to providing customers with high quality real-time technical support. You may use our support request form or send an email to support@elandnews.com.

Before you contact us ...

Please eliminate problems stemming from system aspects beyond Eland's control. Check your power supply. Check for loose or disconnected cables. Check your network efficiency. Also, test or run self-diagnostics on any hardware, particularly network cards, that provide you with the capability.

If you still need to contact us, please provide, or be prepaired to provide, answers to the following questions:

  • Which Eland product are you using?
  • What version of the software are you running?
  • What is the make and model of your computer?
  • What operating system--including version, revision, and build, if known--is it running?
  • How much memory does your computer have?
  • What function are you trying to perform?
  • What is the problem you're experiencing?
  • What is the exact error message displayed on the screen?
  • What related messages are written to the log files?
  • When did the problem start happening?
  • Is the problem persistent or intermittent?
  • If the problem is persistent, how can we duplicate the problem? Does the problem occur on one system or all systems?
  • What is the make, model, and revision of your network cards?

Support Request Form

Description of problem

Contact Information
Company Name:

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