is a subscriber news management system enabling the reception of messages
serial links such as leased lines, dial-up, radio-data, satellite links
or the Internet. Your subscribers, whether across
town, in another city or in another country, can receive your newscast.
NewsDesk has
extensive scheduling and message filtering capabilties. It has sorting
areas called Folders - the system's basic organising unit. Messages
can be held in daily or cumulative folders. Messages can be placed in
multiple folders without unnecessary duplication of data.
- The messages
received are automatically grouped in Folders according to the line
on which they arrived.
- Messages can
be grouped in Folders according to the information in the message
- Text analysis
can be used to group messages in Folders based on their content, with
or without reference to the origin of the message or header content.
- Messages can
also be placed in Folders manually.
NewsDesk is
designed for round-the-clock operation. It can run under Windows 95,
Windows 98, Windows NT or Windows 2000.